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In a world that often feels overwhelming and isolating, finding support and understanding can seem impossible.

As neurodivergent women, we face unique challenges that can leave us feeling burned out and unfulfilled.

Through the transformative power of metaphysics coupled with coaching, I invite you to reclaim your inner strength, find peace, and embrace your true potential.


Life can feel especially overwhelming for neurodivergent women as we juggle multiple responsibilities and navigate a world that often doesn’t understand our unique needs.

Sometimes it feels like we're constantly running on empty, never finding enough time for ourselves or taking care of our well-being. It's as if we've become so good at multitasking that we forget to pause and breathe. We push ourselves to the limit, trying to be the best partners, parents, friends, and professionals all at once, but we often forget to be kind to ourselves.

Through it all, there's that nagging voice of self-doubt, questioning if we're doing enough or if we're even good enough. We fear change, afraid to step outside our comfort zones to embrace personal growth. We compare ourselves to others, wondering why we aren't achieving as much or as fast as they seem to be.

And in our quest for self-growth, we also encounter the pitfalls of perfectionism. We strive for excellence, but sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves becomes too much to bear. Setbacks and failures make us question if we're on the right path, and at times, we feel like we're standing still while the world around us keeps moving.

These struggles are not unique to you or me; they are shared by so many of us. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, to question, and to doubt ourselves. It's okay to take small steps toward personal growth, one day at a time. We don't have to do it all alone.

We need to remember that self-growth is not a race or a competition with others; it's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and embracing our authentic selves. We are strong and capable, but it's okay to ask for support, to lean on each other when we stumble.

In this journey of self-growth, we find strength in our vulnerabilities, wisdom in our struggles, and beauty in our resilience. So, let's hold each other's hands and walk this path together, knowing that we are not alone, and we have the power to grow, evolve, and thrive, one step at a time.

About Coach Cayla.

Thank you for being here and for being interested in learning a bit about me! I wear many hats. I am an AuDHD OCD PDA'er and mother of 3 wonderful kiddos in a neurospicy household. One has been diagnosed with level 3 autism, and one has been diagnosed with ADHD, so I understand the unique struggles we face both as ND parents and individuals. I am a metaphysical mindset coach and level 2 reiki practitioner. My special interests include metaphysics (obviously!), mental health, self-growth, Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon, music, and makeup! I also enjoy painting and doing digital design for fun! I am a former Baptist Christian. Religion traumatized me, so now I am empowering women to blaze their own path based on their personal beliefs. I was raised by a teacher and have a natural ability to explain things to people in just the right way. I can't wait to get to know you!

Picture of woman smiling with children in the background

Certifications & Credentials

Certified Life Coach

May 2021

Certified Life Coach through an ICF accredited program.

Life coach official certification seal

Certified Health Coach through an ICF accredited program.

Certified Health Coach

May 2021

Level 2 Reiki Practitioner

Completed reiki level 2 training in June 2024.

June 2024

Health coach official certification seal
How does coaching coupled with metaphysical healing help women like you create a life they love waking up to every morning?

As a coaching client you will gain...


Discovering effective strategies to balance responsibilities & enjoy a fulfilling life.


Building resilience & turning setbacks into opportunities for growth & learning.

Metaphysical Tools

Learn metaphysical techniques for healing trauma, stress relief & self-reflection, including energy-clearing rituals & divination practices like tarot/oracle card readings.


Gaining confidence & self-assurance, quieting self-doubt & embracing your capabilities.


Taking meaningful steps toward personal growth, celebrating every milestone along the way.

Positive Thinking

Embrace positive change, & witness your life transform as you thrive & evolve with each step.

What exactly will you get out of coaching sessions?


Experience Immediate Relief: Get targeted advice and strategies to tackle your most pressing challenges.


Gain Clarity and Focus: Work through confusion and overwhelm to gain a clear path forward.


Learn Practical Tools: Discover metaphysical techniques unique to your situation to enhance your well-being and resilience.


Receive Personalized Support: Benefit from one-on-one attention to address your specific concerns. (This includes reiki!)


Flexible Options: Choose from single sessions or package deals to fit your schedule and budget.

What topics do we have to choose from during the coaching sessions?
  • Energy Healing

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Spiritual Practices

  • Divination

  • Manifestation and Law of Attraction

  • Conscious Living

  • Intuitive Development

  • Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment

  • Alchemy and Transformation

  • Sacred Geometry

  • Elemental Practices

  • Mysticism and Esotericism

  • Alternative Therapies

  • Conscious Relationships

  • Mind Expansion

  • Sacred Texts and Teachings

  • Feng Shui and Space Clearing

  • Planetary and Cosmic Influences

  • Human Potential and Quantum Healing

  • Witchcraft

  • Life Purpose

  • Self-Sabotage

  • Stress and How It Affects the Body

  • Inner Child and Self-Care

  • Woundology

  • Shadow Work

  • Positive Thinking

  • Self-Limiting Beliefs

  • Overwhelm

  • Self-Expression and Creativity

  • Trusting Oneself

  • Building Emotional Resilience

Are you ready to take the next step toward your happiness?
Click the button below to book a session!

After you book your first session, be on the lookout for an email from me!

Frequently Voiced Concerns

Instead of frequently asked questions I have listed the most common concerns that clients have expressed to me.

What is this about exactly? I don't want to feel tricked with fancy sounding offers.

I am the type of person that is always on the lookout for scams, and I can see through most phony or exaggerated advertising. That's why I will never mislead you or trick you into working with me. I really care about people, and I know that what I have to offer can change people's lives. I also value authenticity and transparency, and I will always act in alignment with those values. My programs are designed to help guide you on a journey of transformation toward whatever spiritual endeavor your heart is yearning for. In our sessions together we will just talk, share ideas, and do fun activities designed to make you think about things from a new perspective. Super simple, and no catches or surprises!

What is a metaphysical mindset coach?

Think of me as your spiritual friend and advisor. I am someone who can answer questions you may have, provide you with an open and safe place to explore your ideas and beliefs, as well as help you get to the bottom of how you really feel and what you want your life to look like, then help you figure out exactly how to get there all while providing you with little pieces of relevant info along the way.

What if you judge me and think I am crazy? I am really not sure if this is right for me.

The reason I started this business was because honestly I had a breakdown that led to a wake-up call. Up until that breakdown, I had been living my life on others' terms and I realized I was miserable because of it. I wasn't living MY life. I wanted to be happy; I just didn't know what that would look like. I wish I had someone to talk to during that scary time, because I felt crazy! I promise there is nothing you can say that will shock me or make me think any less of you. We all have our struggles (I even still struggle, because I'm human) and bad choices from our past. Those don't define you. What defines you is who you choose to be today and every moment going forward! That's the person I would love to help and get to know.

I am really nervous. I don't know what to expect, and I get anxious talking to someone new.

I get nervous too! No matter how many people I speak with, I always get a little bit nervous! It's because I have a passion for helping people and I never want to disappoint anyone. Before each of our sessions, I will be meditating, taking a moment to keep you in mind, and then I will show up as my best self for you so that we can get the most out of our time together. If you are nervous, it's totally ok! Nervous people are normally people who have been hurt before. I am sincerely sorry if you have experienced tremendous hurt in your life. I promise that I will not be a contributor to that hurt; instead I hope to be a healer. I accept your nervousness, and you as a whole. I hope you will accept my nervousness, as well. All of our sessions will have the same format so once you get used to the order in which we do things you will know exactly what to expect during each session.

I don't even know what I need help with, so how can you help?

Sometimes we get consumed with the bad stuff that it becomes super hard to look at things from a more helpful perspective that can help us get unstuck. My job is to listen first and foremost. Then I use my super coaching powers to show you how to look at things through a different lens so that you can truly get to the bottom of what it is that you want and need out of life, and then I can help you figure out how to get it! We get stuck in this mindset that wanting things for ourselves is wrong or selfish. I want to tell you, it's NOT! You deserve happiness and fulfillment, and it would be my honor to help you find it. Even if at the end of your session you don't feel like this is for you, I hope you can at least walk away with a single valuable piece of information about yourself that you didn't have before. I am here to help in any way that I can. If that means simply talking to you once and going about our lives, then I am happy to have done my job.

I am scared about what I might find out about myself if I do this.

Are you fearful of how you will feel about yourself, or are you fearful of how others might perceive you if you change? I can probably guess that you dislike some parts of your life or yourself to some degree, or you wouldn't be considering working with me. What if fully knowing yourself could set you free? What if the things you find out can provide you with a solid foundation and a sense of who you are, so that no one can ever shake you? What if knowing your true self is the home you have been searching for in others all this time? What if knowing who you are and what exactly you're made of empowers you to become the person you always knew you should be before you let everyone else tell you what was best for you? The time to take your power back is today! The longer you hold yourself back because of fear, the longer you have to wait for abundance and the future that is destined for you. We all have a purpose. I can assist you in discovering what yours is if you feel lost. If you are not my client I can't be there for you in this way. The time to show up for yourself is now. The future you is depending on the present you to make the choices now that lead you to your life purpose.

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